People have been transporting goods by boat for thousands of years. In that time, much has changed about ocean freight shipping, from the types of vessels used, to the time it takes to cross various bodies of water.

However, 关于将资产从一个端口移动到另一个端口的方法,还有许多方面没有改变. For one thing, the world’s oceans and seas are vast, 许多企业所依赖的运输货物和材料的不拥挤的道路. 海运的另一个恒定因素是,水路环境恶劣,如果没有得到适当的保护,可能会对资产造成严重破坏.

你和你的船公司如何确保你的货物以装船状态到达目的港? We provide some insights below.


Few places on the planet are as humid as the open seas. Add to that the corrosive power of salt, and you have the recipe for serious damage to valuable assets. Metal items and sensitive electronics are particularly vulnerable.

幸运的是,你可以采取一些措施,让潮湿、含盐的空气远离你的海运货物. 汽障袋可防止海洋运输过程中物品受潮. This type of bag is placed around items and sealed, 然后用专门的真空系统把里面的空气抽走.

通常所谓的活性干燥剂也被放在袋子里,然后再密封. Desiccants are materials that absorb moisture. 您可能熟悉鞋盒内的小包装或包装内的其他物品,可能会被湿气损坏.

海运货物的适当包装通常还包括湿度指示卡. Placed inside the bag, 当运送的物品到达目的地时,可以查看这些卡片,以确定它暴露在多少湿度下. When real-time monitoring is required throughout the trip, 可以使用穿过防气袋的湿度指示器插头. 这样就可以随时检查离物品最近的空气湿度水平.

vapor barrier wrapping

Keeping Assets Stationary During Ocean Transport

与海运有关的另一个挑战是防止货物在波涛汹涌的大海中受损. Goods transported by truck, 由于崎岖不平的道路或轨道,火车或飞机可能会受到一点挤压, or turbulent air, but it tends to be a minimal amount of movement.

The ocean, of course, is a whole different animal! 而海运公司则尽力避开最汹涌的水域, 在某些情况下,根本无法逃脱大浪,它可以把一艘巨大的网上十大娱乐网站排名抛来抛去,就好像它是一艘玩具船.

Consequently, how a piece of equipment, for example, is packaged and crated takes on extra importance with ocean freight shipping. 这包括物品是如何在板条箱或其他容器中被阻挡和支撑的. 如果网上十大娱乐网站排名遇到特别汹涌的海水,仅仅用缓冲材料填充集装箱的剩余空间往往不足以防止损坏. The skills and expertise of a packaging engineer are crucial if you are shipping goods by boat.

International Shipping and Wood Crates

对于不熟悉海运到国际港口的公司, 对货物最大的“威胁”可能发生在货物到达目的地之后. 国外大多数国家对木箱的使用都有严格的要求. This is because wooden crates can harbor pests that could, in theory, start an infestation in the destination country.

什么叫国际植物检疫措施标准不. 第15条(简称ISPM第15条)要求所有用于板条箱建造的木材都必须经过杀虫处理并获得认证. 所谓的“bug stamp”是在木箱上的标记,表明托运人已经遵守了ISPM 15的规定.

上面提到的“威胁”是,如果货物的ISPM 15地位不明确,目的地国的海关官员有权扣留货物, or even destroy them in some instances. Consequently, 在未了解并遵守所有植物检疫规定的情况下,贵方不应将货物用木箱运往海外.

vapor barrier packaging


保护您的资产免受海洋运输和海关官员的严厉行动是非常重要的. So is knowing where your shipments are at all times. Because ocean shipping takes longer than other forms of transportation, 人们很容易被蒙蔽,以为一切都在按计划进行.

Typically, it is, of course. But still, it’s important to work with a specialty crating, packing and shipping company like Craters & 在跟踪货物位置和帮助确保其旅程顺利方面具有丰富经验的货运公司.

我们不仅利用最先进的技术来“密切关注”我们协调的每批货物, but we also have a huge, 如果任何一个系统出了问题,世界范围内的联系人网络都可以充当我们的眼睛和耳朵. Plus, by staying in touch with our overseas contacts, 我们经常收到可能影响贸易路线的问题的提前通知. 这使我们能够积极主动地与运输供应商合作,制定替代计划.


Like making a u-turn in a fully loaded barge, 纠正海上航行中出现的问题可能需要大量的网上十大娱乐网站排名和大量的时间. 更好的方法是通过与像crater这样的公司合作来避免这些问题 & 货运公司深刻理解公司在利用海洋运输时面临的挑战,并为这些挑战提供最佳解决方案.

A newly formed shipping company, or one that rarely handles engagements that involve ocean freight, 我可以告诉你他们有信心成功地管理你的货物吗, but confidence is no match for experience.